Over the years, this shepherd/boxer mix has provided more than just medical assistance and emotional comfort. In fact, Jenny has also helped David develop a deeper relationship with God. Now this pastor shares how his dog saved his life, in more ways than one, with "What My Dog Taught Me About Jesus: Discovering God in Unusual Places."
"What My Dog Taught Me About Jesus" tells of the friendship between a man and his dog, and how God is interpreted in the actions of this special relationship. Sherman compares the characteristics he sees in Jenny - mercy, kindness and perseverance - with the traits of Christ.
"Whether you are suffering from personal strife, medical challenges or just in a bad place, you can find the Savior, just as I have," Sherman said. "What My Dog Taught Me About Jesus shows that God's love can help you endure any situation. Sometimes that love is found in the friendship of an animal, but only in as much as God is found in the friendship."
He also urges readers to seek God, believe He is present in all circumstances and understand the beauty in the friendship of animals. For more information, please visit http://www.agalliao.net.
"What My Dog Taught Me About Jesus: Discovering God in Unusual Places"
By David Ross Sherman
ISBN: 9781543424768 (hardcover) 9781543424751 (softcover) 9781543424744 (ebook)
Available at Amazon and Xlibris
About the author
David Ross Sherman is a pastor who sees God in every living thing. Discovering God and sharing His love with others through his writing is his passion. David lives in the White Mountains of Arizona with his wife, Tina, and of course, Jenny.
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