Author and traveler, Walt Goodridge, may have an unnatural pre-occupation with delaying aging, but that obsession has led to years of research that promises to benefit the rest of us as his company, the Passion Profit Co. publishes "Yesterday's You: How to reverse aging using special foods, vitamins, natural supplements and a few secret practices."
Goodridge shares his wealth of knowledge of products, herbs, supplements and practices from every corner of the world, which, using himself, family members, friends and clients as subjects, has used to eliminate gray hair, reverse menapause, and improve the daily lives of many. Presented in an easy-to-follow style, the guide takes one through the philosophy and then the Ageless Living Protocol to help the average person incorporate the protocol into their daily lives. "We wanted to show people that it is absolutely possible to reverse aging, not just the signs of aging, but to actually return the body to a previous state of youth and vitality," Goodridge, founder of Passion Profit publishing explains. "Yesterday's You" is part of the "Ageless Living" series of books which includes "Fit to Breed..forever!" and "Fast & Grow Young," and "The Man Who Lived Forever," all addressing various aspects of reclaiming youth through healthy lifestyle and litte-known, but historically proven strategies. All are available in paperback and ebook formats as well as for Kindle and Nook.Videos