Tights? Check. Ballet shoes? Check. Helpless parent? Check. Every time Alissa Baird taught a ballet class she saw the same thing; kids danced, their parents eagerly pressed up against the glass or sat completely disconnected, helpless to participate in their children's love for ballet.
"Of course they want to help, but ballet is complex, it requires an understanding anatomy, french terminology, and it’s dangerous if done incorrectly," says Baird, a former professional with 14 years of children's ballet experience and writer for BalletForMeAndYou.com.Baird searched for anything that could demystify the art for parent and child alike, but ultimately decided to take matters into her own hands. For more than two years, she worked with parents and students to design a how-to children's book, that through the magic of iBooks transforms into a parent's how-to guide with the touch of a button.
BALLET FOR ME AND YOU is the first book in the instructional series, written for new students (four years and older) and covers the first three months of class. Parents are guided through selecting a studio, proper etiquette, and 32 of the fundamental ballet steps, with interactive tools, tests, and exercises. It is available on the iPad via the iBookstore for $2.99.