With workplaces seeing paternity leave as the new norm a newly released parenting book is right on time. Written for fathers by a father, "Pregnancy and Men: Your First Step Toward a Great Parenthood" is an every-man's look at life in the daddy zone. The men's health book is written by first-time author Pratik Patil who is an Internet ad man with a master's degree in computer science from USC. Not a medical guide to parenting, Patil's book is a homage to the men who support their ladies day-in and day-out on the harrowing road to baby makes three.
Designed to give first-timers a down-to-earth look at what being a dad entails, the book starts with making plans for pregnancy. In fourteen chapters the dynamic dad discusses his thoughts on pregnancy from a man's perspective. Having a look at what he calls the "trimesters of men" Patil gives advice on how expectant fathers can take care of their own physical and mental health. He assures dads that preparing their own bodies to promote a successful pregnancy is ultimately useful and create long lasting positive health benefits for their new child. Given in plain-spoken truths not too often shared Patil has a mission: He wants to get expectant fathers involved in the process early and enjoy an exceptional attitude while they're at it. Patil said about the parenting book for men, "Parenting takes a lot from both partners. But having a dad's involvement in child's life from beginning makes a positive difference in their psychology. It makes them more confident and it also helps build very strong family bonds. The bonds built in their formative years are key to what a child will enjoy their entire lives. I think that's what parenting is. A better parent makes a better family. A better family makes a better community and pregnancy is where it all starts. So preparing and planning for the pregnancy with a positive mindset, and a better attitude, is super important and that's the message worth spreading."Videos