Dallas, TX
"Where are my pipers, where are my pipers?" Polly asks. "What are pipers?" her mommy and daddy reply.
New children's book "Polly's Pipers" (Brown Books Publishing Group) by Helen Waldman, with illustrations reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting and a splash of 'glitter,' invites young readers to join Polly on a whimsical adventure to find her missing "pipers." But what are "pipers" and where can they be?
Have you ever lost your favorite ball? Has your teddy bear gone missing? Did you look everywhere for it - under the bed, inside your closet, and even in the backyard?
Inspired by a true story, "Polly's Pipers" is a "lighthearted children's picture book about a little girl who is distressed that her important "pipers" have gone missing. Colorful, and ever so lightly exaggerated illustrations, bring this tale of hustle and bustle to life." - Midwest Book Review
Like most young children, Polly is trying to communicate using words that mean something to her, but not necessarily to anyone else. Mommy wants to help and joins the search. Together they embark on a whimsical adventure to find the missing "pipers."
"Polly's Pipers" is sure to remind parents, and grandparents of their own lively hunts for missing treasure, evoking a sense of nostalgia while teaching readers a valuable lesson about communication. Educators will equally enjoy reading "Polly's Pipers" to their young students, and creating interactive activities such as treasure hunts, word scrambles, and word finds.
"I like the book "Polly's Pipers," says Sophie, age 4, San Francisco/Sacramento Book Review, "Kid's Review"
She further adds, "Sometimes I lose things, and my mommy and daddy help me look for them just like Polly's do. It's fun to see the family looking all over for her "pipers," and I like when Polly finds them. That is my favorite picture in the book."
In Polly's case, young readers will soon learn that her "pipers" actually mean papers! Will she find them? Join Polly and find out!
To learn more, visit: http://www.PollysPipers.com
Books are available online and in bookstores.
About the Author
Helen Waldman is a practicing psychotherapist. She lives with her husband in Dallas, Texas. They are the proud parents of five grown children.
About the Illustrator
Monica Stein Ribald is a watercolorist and teaches high school art. She lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband and is the mother of three grown sons.
About Brown Books Publishing Group
Brown Books Publishing Group is an independent Texas-based publisher. To learn more, visit: http://www.brownbooks.com