Open Road Press releases Two Are Better: Midlife Newlyweds Bicycle Coast to Coast by Tim and Debbie Bishop.
As if marriage for the first time at age 52 isn't adventure enough, how about a coast-to-coast honeymoon by bicycle! Now you can share the experience of Tim and Debbie Bishop's great adventure as they travel from Oregon to Maine-and into their new life together. Midlife is often rued as an unwelcome intruder. We don't always see it coming, but we certainly know it has arrived. Physical decline and mental fatigue seem more determined than ever. For some, midlife is the beginning of the end. Yet, wisdom and experience accompany its inevitable arrival. Embracing change in midlife rather than sticking with what isn't working can transform a mundane daily routine into a new and exciting season of life. Such was the case for Tim and Debbie Bishop. Their personal story, Two Are Better: Midlife Newlyweds Bicycle Coast to Coast offers hope and inspires change. "Framed within a coast-to-coast biking odyssey with its daunting challenges lies a deeper and engaging view of discovering ourselves, our relationship with a loved one, spiritual connections, and answers to the nagging quest for juggling our priorities. Two Are Better will no doubt inspire you, but the fun in these pages is riding along with the Bishops." So states early reviewer Scott Emack. The honest and open account of two mid-lifers wrestling with their calling underscores the value in reassessing goals, taking action to pursue them, and simplifying life. Midlife and change can be friends capable of bringing one to a higher level of living.Videos