Numerous publications exist that examine elements of the security discipline. Few address these elements as a continuum of interrelated functions. None examine the structure of offensive and defensive security in anything other than the domain of international security.
Offensive and Defensive Security by Dr. Harry I. Nimon was written to fill the security and intelligence training gap and to support a course on Offensive-Defensive Security, developed for Henley-Putnam University. This course briefly reviews the history of the field of strategic security and its three component parts - protection, intelligence, and counterterrorism - as well as its two distinguishing characteristics: offensive tactics and operations combined with technological innovation.
This book also takes an in-depth assessment of related security areas that focus on defensive tactics and operations: homeland security, criminal justice, conflict and peace studies, and emergency management. While these fields may appear - at first - to be part of strategic security, it explores their critical differences and the fact that they are also critical elements of industrial, governmental, and military security. It places an emphasis at an introductory level on both academic and professional distinctions in discussing the structures associated within these domains.
Currently, there are teams of investigators and analysts who use physical and psychological profiling to investigate crimes. However, the general security/intelligence population is untrained in this area; let alone understanding their own personal psychology. This book will generate professional discussion and academic study into the impacts of such theories as expectation violation and neuropsychology/neuroplasticity into the profession of security and intelligence analysis.
Offensive and Defensive Security addresses aspects of the human domains to security and intelligence structures that are, just now gaining recognition as major gaps in the education of those tasked with the performance of security and intelligence analysis. The International Association for Intelligence Educators (IAFIE) is in the process of creating a committee (of which Dr. Nimon is a member) to address these gaps through the certification of university-level courses and establishment of conferences to discuss how these gaps should be addressed.
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About the Author
Harry I. Nimon has PMI and Systems Engineering Certifications with 20 years in private and government intelligence project management, quality management, change management, business and operations continuation/disaster planning, operations analysis, and quality analysis/management. His experience includes training, business development, executive support and operations analysis, HR, and change management. He has a Doctorate with a dissertation involving the successful development and implementation of virtual teams and the psychology of change associated with this endeavor for the U.S. Army. He is also a certified Change Manager; with oil/defense industry project/program management, change planning, monitoring, and implementation. He retired from the US Army after 22 years service (active and reserve duty) as a military intelligence officer. He currently work for The Boeing Corporation as a senior PM/Systems Analyst involved in military systems analysis in simulated and actual combat environments. His work has also involved interactions with senior personnel from the White House, Congress, DoD, and foreign defense organizations at strategic and operational levels.
Offensive and Defensive Security * by Harry I. Nimon, PhD, PMP
Concepts, Planning, Operations, and Management
Publication Date: May 21, 2013
Trade Paperback; $34.99; 456 pages; 978-1-4836-3765-5
Trade Hardback; $98.99; 456 pages; 978-1-4836-3766-2
eBook; $9.99; 978-1-4836-3767-9
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