Barking Rain Press, a non-profit fiction publisher, announced the paperback and eBook release of the Fantasy novel "The Unremarkable Squire" by Kendallville, Indiana, author Nick Hayden. Hayden's other Fantasy novels include "Trouble on the Horizon" and "The Remnant of Dreams." Hayden also co-hosts "Derailed Trains of Thought," a monthly storytelling podcast.
A squire's oath is to be of service... but to whom? In the kingdom of Basileon, an unremarkable and emotionally detached young man named Obed Kainos is about to stumble into adventurequite against his will. When the knights of the realm gather in a quest to search for the lost Armor of Arkelon, Obed is chosen at random to replace a recently deceased squire. But while trying to perform his menial tasks faithfully, the young squire becomes entangled in the plots of mages, thieves, and kings. And that's just his first week on the job.Videos