"The artist formerly known as Andy Warhol once famously said that at some point in the future everybody would be famous for fifteen minutes. That was decades ago, and I'm still waiting. In fact, I've been waiting so long now I'm starting to think I've been overlooked."
So begins the new humor book "Nobody Knows My Name by Anonymous," in which a man writes a book about his 'fascinating life,' and in doing so provides a hilarious look at both the folly of fame and how America has changed over the past half-century.
"I wanted to write about an important issue," said the author, Bruce Bonafede. "Poverty, war, disease, hunger these are all vitally important. But let's face it, the issue that really matters to Americans today is ego gratification."
The book is written in an unconventional style; rather than the traditional narrative form of a memoir, it is a collection of short comedy pieces stories, essays, sketches and spoofs. "You don't want to place a lot of demands on the attention span of today's reader," said Bonafede, adding: "Where do you want to eat?"
While ostensibly a fake memoir, the book also takes a satirical look at American political and cultural history over the last five decades. "I'm hoping when people read this, it will help restore their faith in America and the absurdity of Americans," said Bonafede.
For further information, please visit www.brucebonafede.com.
About the Book
Title: Nobody Knows My Name by Anonymous
Author: Bruce Bonafede
Publisher: Mill City Press
Format: Softcover
ISBN 13: 978-1-62652-265-7
LCCN: 2013912606
Trim Size: 5.25x8
Number of Pages: 204
Suggested retail price: $14.95
Publication Date: 8/26/2013
About Bruce Bonafede
Bonafede's drama "Advice to the Players"won the Heideman Award at the Humana Festival of New American Plays at Actors Theatre of Louisville; it is published by Samuel French and was included in "The Best Short Plays-1986" anthology. "Nobody Knows My Name by Anonymous" is his first humor book.
Read more news from Bruce Bonafede
SOURCE Publicity Unlimited