Jim Benson is a businessman, educator, and a former U.S. Marine. He is the owner and principal of J.H. Benson Turnarounds and Recoveries, LLC. Using his diverse background as a senior leader and administrator in business, colleges, and college preparatory schools. His enviable reputation for competence and success was built through saving forlorn and failing organizations.
“Walking point” is taking charge of the organization. It involves trusting one’s instincts, possessing a propensity to will or determine an outcome through words and action, and having a diminished sense of fear and risk and an insatiable appetite to be the best. There are varying views and philosophies regarding managing schools, colleges, and business turnarounds. Leadership is a dynamic process, and leader skill sets can vary dramatically. However, it takes a bold, decisive, confident, ice-in-the-veins leader to turn around a rapidly failing organization—a leader who does not lead with their feelings, or fear the demise of their popularity.
Next Century Publishing is a world leader in book publishing, book marketing, and author support. A cutting-edge publisher that refuses to accept the status quo. By utilizing the latest in social media and technology, we are increasing readership, book sales, and bottom-line profits for authors. Launching several web-based campaigns, such as GoRead.com, we aim to disrupt and reinvent the mammoth publishing world, while bringing greater value to our author. The game has changed, and today’s authors have more choices than ever. We are destined to change the way people write, read & experience books!
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