Southington, CT
"Make Me" tells the story of Anya, a former child TV actress who is determined to claw her way back into the spotlight, and Rhiannon, a friend who is willing to help her. They create a website that allows users to vote on ways to give Anya's life a complete makeover. Fans not only vote on how to change her appearance, they also make other decisions for her, like where she should live and whether to dump her boyfriend.
The catch-Anya must do the makeover that wins the most votes or the project will be shut down. Rhiannon, the 18-year-old narrator, describes the pressures the two girls face as the website attracts not only loyal followers but psychos, conspiracy theorists, and stalkers. What makes this young adult novel different is that it deliberately blurs the line between fiction and non-fiction by linking the action in the book to a website that mirrors the website created by the girls Readers can follow links in the book to view pictures of Anya, Rhiannon, and the rest of the inner circle as they do the makeovers voted on by the fans or access the website to get additional information on the characters.