A new thriller novel combining a suspenseful crime narrative against the backdrop of the toy industry will be coming out just in time for this year's holiday season. Hal Ross' "The Deadliest Game" intertwines the unthinkable tale of a terrorist plot against U.S. consumers with the scenario of a toy company's proprietary distribution of a new industry groundbreaking electronic game.
When forced to make a decision between his own daughter's life and the lives of thousands of other children, Hal's leading protagonist, Blair Mulligan, must make a choice no father should ever have to make. "The Deadliest Game" reads true and therefore is all the more frightening. As toy industry veteran with over thirty-five years experience, Hal offers the reader an insider's perspective of a surprisingly interesting and competitive business. He's an international toy industry tycoon who contributed to the distribution success of products such as Slinky, Etch-A-Sketch and helped launch one of the most successful games of all time - Jenga.Videos