The story chronicles the efforts of two ex-CIA Special Ops Officers to rid the planet of human traffickers. Joining these two men in their efforts is a woman named Angelique'd'Augereau whose grandmother was abducted by a squad of Japanese soldiers during the Second World War and used as a sex slave. Joined in their efforts is ex-Navy Seal and clinical psychologist, Dr. David Keats.
"The book is unique in that it starts out with a group of dedicated warriors who stage their own deaths and go into the deep then after 55 years of waiting they're resurrected and finally get their mission," Guidry explains. "But it's not an ordinary mission. It's one that takes them into a forbidden realm."
"Out of the Deep"
By Michael F. Guidry
Softcover | 7.5 x 9.25 in | 252 pages | ISBN 9781480857537
E-Book | 252 pages | ISBN 9781480857544
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Michael F. Guidry is a retired public school administrator who served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. After deploying to Southeast Asia for 30 months on board the USS Hancock, he later transferred to a TA-4J training squadron based at Kingsville Naval Air Station. Guidry currently resides with his wife, Wynnelle, in Nederland, Texas. Guidry has also written "AIMD" to obtain funding for needed improvements in naval aviation.
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