In superhero fiction, the extraordinary abilities of the stereotypical spandex-clad protagonists, such as superhuman strength and speed, often catches the attention and adoration of the masses. The ability to be completely unseen and unnoticed, on the other hand, is understandably not as glamorous. Many adolescents who struggle with the changes in their lives often feel this way at home and in school, they feel unseen and unnoticed. Author Daniel Koskas blends the hardships of the adolescent and the superhero, to craft a tale of a young protagonist with the power to turn Invisible.
The young adult adventure story follows Daniel, an ordinary 11-year-old coming from a soccer game who has his life turned upside-down just by drinking a bottle of water. His body drastically changes, he can no longer go outside or hang out with his friends, he cannot even be seen by his sister. So it is up to him to find out how to reverse what happened to him, but in the process, he will discover new things about himself and push his limits to the max. He must discover the truth, even if it brings him to the verge of death. A series of adventures beyond his wildest dreams ensues, all because of a water bottle.
Invisible is an engaging reading experience replete with twists and turns, chronicling how an ordinary adolescent boy is thrust into a world full of danger and transformed into a superhero with personal issues that other adolescents can relate to.
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About the Author
Daniel Koskas is 12-years-old and hails from Needham, Massachusettes. He is currently in middle school and also competes in ballroom dancing. He went to England in 2011 for a world championship and represented the United States. His passions are reading and writing, dancing and traveling.
Invisible * by Daniel Koskas
Publication Date: July 18, 2013
Trade Paperback; $15.99; 107 pages; 978-1-4836-5832-2
Trade Hardback; $24.99; 107 pages; 978-1-4836-5833-9
eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4836-5834-6
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