As his latest sci-fi thriller "The Adventures of Regen the Bremen" is published, retired Air Force Lt. Col. M.L. Hollinger (pen name) says science fiction is a natural genre for him. After all, he has an Aeronautical Engineering degree from Purdue University, spent 11 years on the U.S. military's "Star Wars" defense initiative and other programs, and served as liaison officer with NASA on the Space Shuttle. Hollinger brings together his extensive knowledge and wild imagination in this tale of perhaps the ultimate male fantasy which also features a shaggy and vicious pet 'skeen' named Hitler after a 20th century Earth dictator.
Since retiring in 2001, Hollinger has written more than 10 sci-fi thrillers, short stories, and magazine articles, some winning awards and honorable mentions in various sci-fi writing contests. In this new intergalactic thriller, the young protagonist is Regen, a member of the Bremen ethnic group known for their tough exterior, sexual prowess, and tendency to leap before they look.
Regen is a cheeky, earthy, pragmatic, drug smuggler who cares little for anything but money, beautiful women, and his own highly unusual pet. The animal is a skeen, famous for removing the fingers of anyone getting too close. Most people marvel that Regen managed to tame such a nasty creature. On top of everything else, he named the skeen Hitler after a 20th century Earth dictator with a personality as evil as any skeen's.
Regen and Skeen Hitler have several adventures together while Regen seeks the funds needed to retire to the planet of his dreams. He finally succeeds, but retirement doesn't last long before he's talked into a gun running scheme. It turns out the rebel buying the guns is a princess he assisted in a previous adventure.
A traitor in the princess' army sabotages Regen's ship, and he winds up on a planet ruled entirely by women. He falls in love with the beautiful Herion, but the ruling council insists he leave the planet as soon as his ship is repaired.
Regen returns to running guns and helps the princess regain her throne, but the memory of Herion calls. He uses a special time travel device she gave him to navigate back to the planet of women and asks to stay. After a thorough mental and physical examination and an extensive background check, he's allowed a hearing on his request before the Ruling Council. The vote will be close, but Herion suggests a unique use for Regen and Hitler, and the Council agrees to let him stay. They live happily ever after. That is, until the next adventure.
"The Adventures of Regen the Bremenz" by M.L. Hollinger is available from, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and other booksellers.
M. L. Hollinger (pen name) received an Aeronautical Engineering degree from Purdue University, joined the Air Force, and attended the Air Command and Staff College and the Air War College. He worked on several space program projects, including Titan III Space Booster, Space Shuttle, Star Wars and several other special studies for the Air Force. For his service in Viet Nam from 1971-1972, he received a number of decorations, including The Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, The Vietnamese Honor Medal First Class, The Vietnamese Gallantry Cross and five unit excellence awards. After retiring from the Air Force in 1980 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Hollinger returned to Indiana, where he has served in many civic organizations. As President of the Indiana Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Alliance, he helped further technical education in Indiana. Governor Mitch Daniels named him a "Sagamore of the Wabash" in 2008, one of the highest honors bestowed on a citizen by the state of Indiana. Hollinger is now fully retired and writing.
TotalRecall Publications Inc. was founded in 1998 by Bruce Moran, a former NASA IT professional who transitioned into computer instruction and educational materials. The company began with the introduction of study guides and Q&A testing software for various computer and financial certification exams and expanded into library and information science textbooks in 2007. Since 2008, the publisher has been developing a fiction product line by debut authors that focuses on mysteries, thrillers, and military action. Additionally, TotalRecall has expanded into general nonfiction and now publishes more than 200 non-fiction and fiction titles, all distributed worldwide through book retailers and wholesalers and via eBook databases such as ebrary, EBSCO, and