The story follows a heartbroken woman named Veronika who was ruthlessly abandoned by the man she believed to be the love of her life. After months of misery, Veronika examines her memories, attempting to find the true source of her pain. She sets out on an inward journey to find answers for her heartache and embarks on a path of self-realization.
"Throughout years of lost love, I have learned how to cope with the hurt and eventually move forward," Kaye said. "After each cycle of heartbreak and healing, I was able to learn more about myself, what I really want, and how strong I am. Happiness Scorned inspires readers to undergo that same journey of self-improvement."
"Happiness Scorned"
By Veronika M. Kaye
ISBN: 9781532025150 (softcover), 9781532025167 (e-book)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and iUniverse
About the author
Veronika M. Kaye is a young professional living in the heart of New York City. Growing up in the Big Apple, Kaye was exposed to a mass of multicultural studies, arts, history and nature. Throughout her life, Kaye has found that even in great struggle and pain, the great outdoors is always there for us. Her love for nature has helped her cope with life's changing obstacles, including loss of great love and happiness. Based on her experiences, Kaye intends to continue her goal of motivating and inspiring woman of all ages.
Review Copies & Interview Requests:
LAVIDGE - Phoenix
Satara Williams
480-998-2600 x 586
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LAVIDGE - Phoenix
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480-998-2600 x 569