Whether currently wandering through the twists and turns of life, or looking back upon a long, memorable journey, we all universally long for fulfillment on the road to self-discovery.
"Always Will" is the second novel written by 14-year-old author, Lalae Mozie. Exploring a woman's journey toward fulfillment and self-discovery, Mozie writes with great heart and sincerity.
"Ever since I could pick-up a pen, writing has been my favorite past time," Mozie said. "I had a dream and wanted it to become real. The closest I got to that was writing about it."
"Always Will" follows 30-year-old nanny Kennedy Shaver and her relationship with "The Five"-the five privileged sisters for whom she cares. Filled with romance, humor and the meaning of growing up, Kennedy's adventure will capture the hearts and minds of readers as they reminisce on their own journeys of self-discovery, first love's and companionship.
Overall, Mozie shares a universal lesson, not only with her peers, but with generations apart: "If you really set your mind to anything, anything is possible and you should just go for it, you have nothing to lose and you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take."
For more information, visit authorhouse.com
"Always Will"
By: Lalae Mozie
ISBN: 978-1-49692-759-0
Available in softcover ($14.95), hardcover ($23.99), e-book ($3.99)
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and AuthorHouse
About the author
Lalae Mozie is currently fourteen years old. She loves to read and write. Ever since she could pick up a pen, writing has been her favorite pastime. Mozie has written two books, Merely Alive and Always Will. She enjoys the support of her parents, teachers, and three dogs.