Cultural traditions are important, but can holding on to them too tightly keep people from progress? In his novel "When Cultures Intertwine - The African Way," Francois van Wyk outlines the problems between the deep cultural divides in South Africa through the narrative of an African farm girl in love with her master's son. The struggles they encounter speak to the real challenges facing South African people today.
"I wrote this book to give the reader a bird's eye view of the kaleidoscope of people who have to live and work side by side in South Africa, despite cultural divides," van Wyk said.
van Wyk's novel speaks to problems that create social unrest in South Africa and shines a light on the real issues within the country. The animosity and inequalities based on culture and ethnicity faced by Nandi specifically are realities for many citizens. By shining a light on these inequalities, van Wyk will stimulate conversations about what is happening in his country and what can be done to change it.
"Every individual should understand and accept that the world owe them nothing, yet be allowed to work towards a chosen goal," said van Wyk. "I am deeply concerned about the wellbeing of the individual who has little or no ability to bring about change to the cultural restrictions imposed by birth."
The truth of what happens when cultures in South Africa's rich history intertwine is brought to life in van Wyk's novel. By putting a face on these realities, people may be inspired to act more compassionately towards those of a different culture.
"When Cultures Intertwine - The African Way"
By Francois van Wyk
ISBN: 978-1-4836-9335-4 (sc); 978-1-4836-9336-1 (hc); 978-1-4836-9337-8 (e)
Softcover, $16.46
Hardcover, $26.99
Ebook, $3.99
Approximately 306 pages
Available at and
About the author: Francois vanWyk is a retired radio broadcaster and native South African. He studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. He has a bachelor's degree from University of Pretoria, where he majored in maths and physics. He enjoys flying, traveling and reading about history and science.