"Manhattan Alien" follows the relocation story of Raju, a young Indian doctor looking to earn his share in a homeland. He is greeted with a culture shock that makes it difficult for him to navigate American society and build the life he has always dreamed.
Raju struggles to grasp the intricacies of his new country as he navigates an unfamiliar language, unexpected opportunities and a budding romance. Will Raju be able to discover who he is as well as build a new life for himself?
"Whether you are coming to America for the first time or a natural citizen, there is insight to be gleaned from Manhattan Alien," Mhatre said. "Those immigrating to America will find comfort and guidance in coping with the inevitable culture shock. Readers fortunate enough to have been born on U.S. soil will hopefully gain a different perspective on the unique obstacles faced by those arriving to a new home."
"Manhattan Alien"
By B.K. Mhatre
ISBN: 9781524586850 (hardcover), 9781524586843 (softcover), 9781524586836 (e-book)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Xlibris
About the author
After visiting the United States for the first time, B.K. Mhatre wrote a series of emails to friends and family about his experiences in America. This inspired the author to pen a fictionalized account of his immigrant's life in "Manhattan Alien."
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