The book is divided into two parts. The first deals with scientific activity and its role in making the science department a place for building professional learning. The second uses teacher stories, or vignettes, to work through the components of the professional learning framework-context, content, activities, and processes. After each vignette comes commentary highlighting the key points and their implications. Also included are questions to challenge teachers to improve their practices and align them with current reform initiatives.
Authors Wayne Melville, Doug Jones, and Todd Campbell also wrote Reimagining the Science Department, an NSTA Press guide to changing department-level factors that don't support teaching and learning. They say that Building the Science Department "gives teachers at different points in their careers a voice in describing their professional learning needs. By combining these voices with theory, we can make use of the department as a place to support all teachers in their reform efforts."
Browse sample pages of this title for free at the NSTA Science Store website.
For additional information or to purchase a copy of Building the Science Department, and other books from NSTA Press, visit the NSTA Science Store. To order by phone, call 800-277-5300 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET weekdays. The 148-page book is priced at $29.95 and discount-priced for NSTA members at $23.96 (Stock # PB426X; ISBN # 978-1-68140-274-1).
About NSTA
The Arlington, VA-based National Science Teachers Association is the largest professional organization in the world promoting excellence in science teaching and learning, preschool through college. NSTA's membership includes approximately 55,000 science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business representatives, and others involved in science education.
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SOURCE: BUSINESS WIRE. ©2017 Business Wire