Take it from a general, this taut Vietnam-era thriller offers one heck of a ride!
"Dragon Force" is "an intriguing fast-paced story focused on exploits during the Vietnam War, taking Americans beyond the borders of South Vietnam. Drives home the point known by all combat veterans that directives from Washington or higher headquarters, execution is left to the ingenuity and dedication of young officers and non-commissioned officers in unpredictable environments," says Michael Hayes, Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.) Vietnam 1967-68, 1970-71.
Author R.D. Moore takes readers back to the Vietnam War in his high-action novel, "Dragon Force: The Last Salute." A dangerous mission deep into enemy territory is taken on by a unit of five Marines, one SEAL, a Ranger, and a Green Beret, which is cobbled together to extract two agents who have vital intelligence about a massive North Vietnamese build-up. What happens next in this cat-and-mouse game of military intelligence offers a stunning read.
Watch the video at: https://youtu.be/ptgOeb0dmQc
About the Author: R.D. Moore is a history buff who wanted to write about real events as well as his own experiences and those of his fellow Marines during the Vietnam War. After retiring from the military, the author became an educator, serving twenty-three years as superintendent of schools. He is a life member of VFW Post 9896, American Legion Post 148, the Disabled American Veterans, the First Marine Division Association, and the Third Marine Division Association. He is the father of Ronald D. Moore, Jr., a well-known movie/TV writer-producer ("Star Trek," "Battlestar Galactica," "Carnivale," and "Outlander"). He lives with his wife in Chowchilla, California, where they are involved with Rotary International humanitarian projects. This is his second book.
"This terrific novel takes readers on a roller coaster ride through the dangerous Vietnam War era and is a classic overlook of the war genre. We are thrilled to announce its release," said Robert Fletcher, CEO of Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency.
DRAGON FORCE: THE LAST SALUTE (soft cover ISBN: 978-1-68181-812-2, $36.50; hard cover 978-1-68181-729-3, $50.95) can be ordered through the publisher's website:
http://sbprabooks.com/RDMoore or at Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com.
WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email bookorder(at)sbpra(dot)net.