"Betrayal of Faith" follows the story of Jennifer Tracey as she sets out to expose the predatory behavior of the new parish priest and obtain justice for her two sons. In an effort to bring the sex scandal to light, Tracey hires attorney Zachary Blake and files a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the pastor and the church. Together, Blake and Tracey work to reveal the truth hidden by the secret church organization, The Coalition, who has orchestrated an elaborate cover up to the sexual abuse.
"The most challenging case of my legal career was that of sexual misconduct by a priest in the 80's, back when this issue was vastly unreported," Bello said. "As more cases are brought forward, I have seen how obtaining justice in court and holding the offenders accountable, helps a family move forward."
"Betrayal of Faith" is a result of Bello's desire to pass along an engaging story that highlights a real-life crisis that is still prevalent. For more information on Bello and his book, please visit betrayaloffaith.com.
"Betrayal of Faith"
By Mark Bello
ISBN: 9781532006272 (softcover) 9781532006289 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and iUniverse
About the author
Mark M. Bello has been a Michigan attorney for 40 years. He received his bachelor of arts in English literature from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and his law degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan. He and his spouse, Tobye, have four children and eight grandchildren and live in West Bloomfield, Michigan. His debut novel pays tribute to actual Michigan cases he handled, the brave clients he represented and the many attorneys and clients who have fought their own "David vs. Goliath" battles with the same or similar institutional defendants.
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