Pepin is a 14-year-old German boy whose father is enslaved by Romans. To find his father, "Pepin Goes to Rome." This intriguing historical tale will appeal to all ages, but especially young readers.
The lad sets out for Rome with his guide, counsellor, and friend Aurina. Their adventure takes them from primitive first-century Germany to sophisticated Rome. The three-month walk involves a fair share of hardship and adversity, including avoiding pursuers from a rival tribe, escaping from wolves, and crossing the Alps in a snowstorm.
Aurina is a healer who uses natural remedies and lifestyle advice to help people. One of her patients in Rome is Emperor Tiberius, who was poisoned as part of a plot by revolting slaves. The revolt is put down, but Tiberius, a despot, believes that Aurina and Pepin are conspiring against him. Aurina is imprisoned and Pepin is forced into the Roman army.
"This book is a fascinating read with an important and historic story to be told. We are thrilled to announce its release," said Robert Fletcher, CEO of Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency.
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PEPIN GOES TO ROME (ISBN: 978-1-63135-590-5) is now available for $17.50 and can be ordered through the publisher's website: or at or
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