"We are Magical Beings" is a self-help guide that encourages readers to take an introspective look at themselves from an energetic perspective. Collazos offers a simple and universal introduction to the energetic systems of the human body and how to implement those insights into everyday life.
This powerful work features visualization, bodywork and movement techniques geared to healing oneself from physical and emotional discomfort. "We are Magical Beings" also includes Collazos' personal account from a place of liberation opposed to victimhood. Her work embodies a message of hope, proving that we do not have to live in stress, pain, or unhappiness.
"We have come a long way in understanding the physical world, however we fail to grasp the simplicity of our very human nature and spirit," Collazos said. "When life presents us with hurt and anxiety, that leaves a mark on our body's energetic systems. We Are Magical Beings outlines how to read those systems and then self-heal."
For more information, please visit subtlerhythms.com.
"We Are Magical Beings: A Healing Guide for Earthlings"
By Paola Collazos
ISBN: 9781504387200 (hardcover) 9781504378187 (softcover) 9781504378194 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Balboa Press
About the author
Paola Collazos is a Yoga teacher, Reiki master, energy medicine practitioner, and a licensed massage therapist. She discovered her calling as a bodyworker while searching for ways to heal herself. Enamored by philosophy, metaphysics, and spiritual teachings, Paola still affirms that nothing has enlightened her more than studying human anatomy and physiology, its subtle rhythms and its physical and mental manifestations. She continues to be inspired by an individual's ability to heal oneself. She has been working with people from all lifestyles since 2002. She is an artist, poet, teacher, and writer who has uniquely integrated all her skills in order to promote peace and help others heal themselves.
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