In "Gone But Not Forgotten," Brindle tells the story of the Peterson family. When their son, Timmy, disappears one day and is never found, the family struggles to cope with the loss. With the birth of their daughter, Cassie, years later, a shocking discovery is made about Timmy that brings the family hope.
"Writing this book was really my own form of therapy," Brindle said. "Though the book is fiction, the Petersons experience a lot of heartache, pain and fear, which I've also had my fill of throughout my life."
In "Gone But Not Forgotten," readers can be enchanted by this heartwarming family tale as they hold onto hope for Timmy and his family.
"Gone But Not Forgotten"
By: Jacqueline Brindle
ISBN: 978-1-5434-3684-6 (hc); 978-1-5434-3685-3 (sc); 978-1-5434-3686-0 (e)
Available at the Xlibris Online Bookstore and Amazon
About the Author
Jacqueline Brindle was born in Hawaii and raised in Waianae. She joined the Army right out of High School and after Basic Training was stationed in Bremerhaven, West Germany. About 10 years ago, she was told she had cancer and writing this book became her own self therapy. For more information about the author and her book, please visit: