"The Memoirs of a Hoodstar" follows the story of a young black man's trials and tribulations as he navigates his urban life in contemporary America. Jamal Isaiah Jackson is trying to survive on the streets as a serious hustler, but eventually lands himself behind bars. He soon realizes the disproportional number of African Americans incarcerated and the political game involved to keep them there.
With his book, Durand addresses serious socioeconomic issues reoccurring in urban communities such as premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, generational poverty, drug abuse, gangs, violence and the high rate of crime and imprisonment. "The Memoirs of a Hoodstar" fearlessly confronts the reality that many American find themselves facing.
"For those that live in these kind of environment, The Memoirs of a Hoodstar hopefully acts as a beacon of hope that these situations are not permeant. Evolution and maturation is possible," Hall said. "For those outside of urban America, this is a raw and authentic look at how these individuals survive."
For more information, please visit memoirsofahoodstar.com.
"The Memoirs of a Hoodstar: America's Nightmare: Young, Black & Misunderstood"
By D. Durand Hall
ISBN: 9781532020155 (softcover) 9781532020148 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and iUniverse
About the author
D. Durand Hall is an African American businessman and rehabilitated citizen. During his incarceration, he studied over seven hundred books to understand the legal and cultural ramifications of imprisonment on African American men and their families. As founder and CEO of Urban Multimedia Communications, LLC, he is now committed to creating platforms that inform and promote the minority struggle to the world.
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