Finipee ( is a fresh new fantasy series written for all ages but in a "clean reading" format. T.B. follows the ground work laid by authors such as Tolkien and Goodkind with a wonderful blend of action and romance that is sure to keep any reader's attention. The fantasy series is well written and moves at a nice pace suited for the teen reader as well as the adult. Thousands of readers have already jumped into the world of Finipee and cannot wait until the next installment in the series. Avid fantasy readers cannot get enough of T.B. Smith's new and exciting creatures as they roam the world of Finipee alongside many of our traditional fantasy favorites.
Whether you enjoy reading about knights, princesses, trolls, dragons or fairies, it is all covered within the magical pages of Finipee. "T.B. is the next big thing when it comes to fantasy," states JK Publishing Co. "T.B. Smith has a very unique and exciting style when it comes to fantasy," states MCJ Warriors Youth Authors. See what the buzz is about and join the thousands who have already taken the journey through Finipee. Also, look for future projects by T.B. Smith as his imagination is vividly brought to life through his wonderful fantasy and sci-fi writing.