How hot is a "low oven"? How much butter is "the size of a walnut?" Several members of the Corn Island Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) found out when they transformed a stack of heritage recipes into a new cookbook to benefit Farmington Historic Plantation in Louisville.
The recipes-many of them well over 100 years old-were collected by Nell Speed Ream, the great-granddaughter of John Speed, who built Farmington. (The plantation is best known for Abraham Lincoln's three-week visit in 1841.) One of Nell Speed Ream's descendants recently offered use of the recipes to Farmington. Corn Island NSDAR, which had selected Farmington as a historic preservation project, offered to create a cookbook. A committee was formed to head the project; volunteers tested and updated the recipes; a local print-on-demand publisher offered her expertise to design the book; local publisher R. C. Linnell Publishing provided book design services and a local graphic designer developed the cover pro bono-it was a true community effort. Readers of Speed Family Heritage Recipes will find recipes for salt-rising bread, transparent pie, fritters, and eggnog served by James Speed during his term as attorney general in Lincoln's second administration. The book also includes a short history of Farmington and brief profiles of the women who developed and served these dishes so long ago. Heritage Recipes is currently available on