In this moving story, readers follow a young man named Tobe Stanhope. After growing up in a strict Baptist working-class family, Tobe finds romance amidst the growing civil rights movement. After leaving for college and falling for a brilliant young woman who begins to question her own sexuality, his perspective on life begins to change and growing conflicts in his life begin to test his faith. Readers are taken alongside his journey as he navigates romantic relationships that forever change the course of his life.
“Basically, the novel wrote itself. It started with a particular scene in my head, which constitutes the first chapter of the novel, and then the other chapters just followed without my knowing what was going to happen next,” Safford said.
Readers will resonate with Tobe’s personal journey to find himself amidst all the evolving influences in his life. Tobe’s character experiences changing times and making decisions that have a lasting effort on himself and those who matter most to him.
“Dancing on Horses” is a story that details a young man’s journey of self-discovery and his understanding that true fulfillment lies within himself.
“Dancing on Horses”
By Tony Stafford
ISBN: 978-1-5320-4639-1 (softcover); 978-1-5320-4638-4 (electronic)
Available at the iUniverse Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the author
Tony Stafford was born in Belmont, N.C. After graduating high school and junior college, he attended Wake Forest University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, English literature and Latin. Stafford was then drafted into the U.S. Army where he served two years. During his service, he earned a master’s degree from Texas Western College, (now the University of Texas at El Paso). He earned his doctoral degree from Louisiana State University and returned as a faculty member where he has served in the English department for 55 years.