"Into the Fire: Poems from Australia" as a poetic compilation that captures Kennedy's various undertakings at work, home and elsewhere. Employing a diverse style of rhyme and blank verse, Kennedy's poems foray into the ocean, the Arctic and also share insight into the vagaries of cricket.
"Into the Fire" contains a mixture of humor and psychology, that create an entertaining and informative read. Drawings accompany most poems, and a map of Australia located in the back of the book reference the various locations mentioned throughout the literary work. Kennedy also provides notes on each poem that allow additional insight and go a long way into putting the reader in the poet's shoes.
"I've had the ability to see the world, but what has kept me ground is the simple things," Kennedy said. "My goal with In the Fire is to show how everyday feelings of love, hope, anger and sadness leave us all intertwined. It is the small moments of each day that connect us."
"Into the Fire: Poems from Australia"
By Sean Kennedy
ISBN: 9781524520076 (hardcover) 9781524520069 (softcover) 978524520052 (e-book)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Xlibris
About the author
Sean Kennedy is an Australian geologist who has spent much of his career exploring minerals in the outback. He discovered lime and gypsum deposits-the latter being sighted on a commercial flight from Adelaide to Melbourne. During quiet times in the resources sector, he taught geology in South Australia and Scotland. He currently lives in Adelaide and is married with two children and four grandchildren.
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