Eyes of the Slain Woman is a collection of three novellas that explore grief and the tenacity of the human spirit. In Echoes of Hungry Blood, Solo, a disenchanted doctor leaves his practice in the city to work in a small town, where he faces the challenge of caring for those who have committed crimes against his family-a decision that leads to regret and eventual deliverance. In The Last Next, Solo returns to the city and remarries. His new wife is soon diagnosed with a terminal illness, and unable to cope with the pain, she requests euthanasia. His agreement and ensuing murder trial and conviction are a journey of growth and redemption. Eyes of the Slain Woman narrates the harrowing experiences of Ma Ebo, a long-widowed woman, who following her son's murder is persuaded to visit his killer in prison. In the process, she finds healing and the liberation of forgiveness.
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