"Hickory Doc's Tales" follows the experiences of a hunting dog named Chicoree's Hickory Doc. Oftentimes referred to as "Doc," the oldest and wisest of five dogs residing at "The Lazy Dog Hacienda Kennels" in Oklahoma.
Doc chronicles his adventures and life in the field and at the kennel, as well as his interactions with humans and other animals. Geared toward elementary school readers, "Hickory Doc's Tales" will help children transition into chapter books and more adventurous literature.
"Education has always been important to me and started with my teaching business subjects to high school students in Maryland and Massachusetts. My last 25 years of being a docent at both the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum and The Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art have given me the ability to learn and teach elementary children about art, history, animals and nature," Harkey said. "Hickory Doc's Tales is my opportunity to combine my life's greatest pleasures and give them back to young readers everywhere."
"Hickory Doc's Tales, The Pack: First Generation"
By Linda Harkey
ISBN: 9781480847231 (hardcover) 9781480847255 (softcover) 9781480847248 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Archway Publishing
About the author
Linda Harkey has been an enthusiastic hunting dog owner for more than 30 years. As a docent, she has been involved with the writing of curricula for children's programs at local museums. Harkey is also the author of a children's book, "The Budding Staff." She lives with her husband and dogs on 20 acres in Catoosa, Oklahoma.
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