"Lucy's Umbrella" chronicles the story of a young girl named Lucy and her journey to find value in her vitiligo. As Lucy moves throughout her day, she takes note of the distinct designs, shapes and colors that make each person and animal stand out. This helps her appreciate the patterns on her skin, as well as garner a fondness for nature and her surroundings.
"Young children shouldn't be taught that there is one body shape, size or color that defines attractiveness," Madden said. "True beauty comes from within and, as a society, we need to strive for unity and the inclusion of every individual. Lucy's Umbrella urges readers to celebrate physical differences that make each of us unique and beautiful in our own way. I hope this message resonates strongly with readers of all ages."
For more information about "Lucy's Umbrella," please visit http://www.saramaddenbooks.com.
"Lucy's Umbrella"
By Sara Madden
ISBN: 9781524686970 (softcover), 9781524686987 (e-book)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and AuthorHouse
About the author
Sara Madden wrote her first story, "I Love My Family," at age six and she's been writing ever since. In her youth, Sara discovered she was dyslexic. From that moment up to today, she perseveres by finding comfort in words, getting lost in imagination, and believing in the unbelievable. She currently lives in Utah with her eclectic and unique family.
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LAVIDGE - Phoenix
SaTara Williams
480-998-2600 x 586
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480-998-2600 x 569