In "Just Be Yourself," Stone introduces readers to a unique story that follows an unsure ladybug in the Happy Peaceful Forest. The ladybug questions why she is the only one in her family without a special crown and sets out to reach the shiny purple castle to find her answers.
Along the way, she meets various animals that impart lessons of self-assurance and empowerment. At the end of her journey, she realizes that in order to receive her crown, she simply needs to find confidence and happiness in her own heart.
"I want to enable children to build a foundation to be happy with who they are for the rest of their lives," Stone said. "Just Be Yourself teaches children to be confident with their own attributes, skills and appearance so they can build a positive self-image."
For more information, please visit
"Just Be Yourself: A Ladybug's Journey"
By Karen Stone
ISBN: 9781504390170 (softcover) 9781504390163 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Balboa Press
About the author
Karen Stone is an avid reader and very much enjoyed learning from the adventures that books would take her on. Growing up can be difficult. Books can help learn new skills to help overcome challenges in life. Stone looks to inspire children to understand that what matters most is to be happy being themselves. She currently resides in Hackettstown, New Jersey with her husband, Gregory, and daughter Kristen.
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