"A Parent's Guide to Substance Abuse and Addiction" by Kellena Page provides necessary education for parents and teens on what the main substances of abuse are, how they are abused, how addiction occurs, and the resulting physical, psychological, and legal consequences of their use. This concise and factual guide is a useful reference for both parents and teens and the newly released second edition has been updated to include the most recent laws and the latest most commonly abused drugs and drug combinations. Its main purpose is to educate and create a pathway of open communication, trust, and respect between parents and their children about drug and alcohol abuse. It empowers teens with vital knowledge about the pitfalls and possible dangers of substance abuse so that they will feel better prepared to handle peer pressure and make positive choices throughout their teenage years and beyond.
"A Parent's Guide to Substance Abuse and Addiction" prepares parents to address questions like these from their teenager:
Kids want to know information like this and if they can't learn the answers from their parents, they will look for them elsewhere. There are misleading assumptions galore out there and facts that are just plain wrong. Parents need to be able to step in and arm their kids with the vital information that they want and need to learn. In the process, they will establish credibility with their teens and gain their trust.
Kellena Page is the mother of two very independent and curious children who insist on having all of the facts, all of the time. When her teenager first approached her and her husband with questions about drugs and alcohol, they quickly discovered how much they didn't know. Kellena searched the Internet for answers but was unsuccessful in finding a single comprehensive source that answered basic questions about substance abuse and addiction. With as much difficulty as she was having searching for answers, she knew that other parents had to be experiencing the same frustration.
It became clear that in order to obtain the answers to her son's questions a significant amount of time and research was in order. The result is this book, a comprehensive and essential guide full of basic information that all parents should know and share with their teens. Everyone that has read this book has expressed surprise about how much they learned and dismay at how misinformed they were.
To obtain a review copy or for further information, Kellena Page may be contacted at educateteens(at)gmail(dot)com.
The official website for "A Parent's Guide to Substance Abuse and Addiction" is http://www.substanceabuseandaddictionfacts.com/.
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