Imagine walking down the street and receiving a ticket for probable cause for obesity from the Obesity Police Department. One author has made it easy to imagine that scenario, and his new book describing such events – and others – has been released by Dog Ear Publishing.
With "Imagined Agencies," author Joseph Bulgatz posits what might happen if the government becomes even more involved in everyone's daily lives than it already is. Could there be a Department of Death that would help people write their obituaries? Could a Household Budget Office poke its metaphorical nose into your bathroom business to see how you hang toilet paper on the roll?
Bulgatz imagines such agencies as a Union of Charitable Organizations, a Gentrification Bureau, an inspector general for television commercials and even a Bureau of Nomenclature to decide what things should be called, from the name of someone's latest child to hotels and – most of all – pharmaceuticals.
"Imagined Agencies" takes readers on a satirical exploration of what "what ifs." Even as readers might smile at the idea of being ticketed for being heavy or having to watch what puns they use, at its core the book offers a potentially chilling hint at what impact increased governmental interference in daily life could be like if left unchecked.
"As our ancestors lived close to the land, we now live close to innumerable, incorporeal governmental agencies that shape our behavior," he writes in the book's introduction. "While animal and plant species are declining in the biosphere (largely due to homo sapiens), these infosphere entities, composed not of blood, tissue and bone, but of statues, rules and regulations, proliferate."
For additional information, please visit www.jbulgatz.com.
Imagined Agencies
Joseph Bulgatz
Dog Ear Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4575-6189-4 120 pages $10.95 US
Available at Ingram, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and fine bookstores everywhere.
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