"What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~ Helen Keller.
These powerful words capture the essence of Bill Belknap's relationship with God and his late wife, Donna.
"Donna taught me everything about unconditional love and faith, both between the two of us and Jesus Christ," Belknap said. "In order to live a fruitful and pleasant life, one must turn their life over to the Lord. We did exactly that."
After Donna's passing in 2013, Belknap staggered between feelings of despair and ongoing love. At the advice of his pastor, he began to transcribe his emotions. These writings transformed into a published memoir of the couple's years together and their faith.
Belknap's new book, "Unconditional Love and Faith Observed" is the exploration of the couple's faith and journey with God. Belknap's hope is that is that readers will develop an understanding of how beautiful unconditional love for God and for another person can be.
Bill Belknap is an older man with much wisdom and experience. He was born in 1927, a Depression baby, and grew up in the small Oklahoma town of Bartlesville. He was educated as an engineer and ultimately became an oil company executive. His family experienced several major tragedies and Bill has written this essay, Unconditional Love and Faith Observed regarding how he learned to really know about and hear God.