“Faith, Hope, and Other Verse” is a collection of short verses written about life observations. Frackenpohl believes that life can be about discovering what is inside and also learning how to be at peace with oneself. The contents of the book look at being spiritual, recognizing possibilities, and living a life in serenity.
To purchase and to know more about the book, interested parties may visit https://www.authorhouse.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-001216963.
“I feel that [if] someone is looking for a way [to] live with a better balance in their lives, this book will give them some options to consider,” says Frackenpohl. “There is always a different, if not better, way to approach life.”
An excerpt from the poem, “Faith”:
Faith costs no money
But you should invest in yourself
The rewards are countless
Because having faith is priceless
“Faith, Hope, and Other Verse”
By Thomas Frackenpohl
Softcover | 5x8 in | 112 pages | ISBN 9781546276760
E-Book | 112 pages | ISBN 9781546276777
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Thomas Frackenpohl currently resides in Pittsford, New York, where he enjoys being around his family and exploring the local parks.