SAN FRANCISCO, May 23, 2018 /PRNewswire/ Dick Cantwell, a three-time winner of Brewpub of the Year at the Great American Beer Festival and a renowned brewer, shares his insights on the surging popularity of craft beers in a new book, Brewing Eclectic IPA: Pushing The Boundaries of India Pale Ale (Brewers Publications; June 4, 2018; Hardcover $19.95;176 pages; ISBN: 978-1-938469-46-6).
Among the most well-respected and experienced craft brewers in the world, Cantwell explores the history, trends, and recipes behind the most popular style of craft beer. He provides scores of tips and methods for the beer-curious to concoct a delectable brew and shares the story of how and why the proliferation of American IPA came to be.
"There's no mistaking that we are living in the heyday of IPA," declares Cantwell. "Brewers are using a wide range of ingredients, from cocoa nibs, coffee, fruits, and vegetables, to spices, herbs, and even wood, to push the boundaries of the style."
Dozens of recipes are contained in Brewing Eclectic IPA, including recipes for IPA with fruits, herbs, spices, coffees, chocolates and other flavorful sources.
"Craft brewers continue pushing the envelope of flavors, adopting new and unusual ingredients that expand the boundaries of classic beer styles while at the same time demonstrating reverence for the beers that have come before them," writes Cantwell. "This willingness to take risks has driven the growth of craft beer, as people have gradually rediscovered flavor and rejected blandness in their food and drink choices over the past few decades."
The Brewers Association reports that IPA, the leading craft style, is now the third most popular style of all beers. Brewing Eclectic IPA resourcefully provides a chart that shows how dozens of fruits can be utilized to craft a delicious IPA. It describes how the fruit should be used (i.e. pureed, juiced, and chopped), and shares each fruit's attributes, and recommends what it can be combined with. Similar charts show a list of vegetables, herbs, botanicals, spices, and a list of chocolate, coffee and tea forms that can be utilized in brewing the perfect IPA.
About the Brewers Association
The Brewers Association (BA) is the not-for-profit trade association dedicated tosmall and independentAmerican brewers, their beers and the community of brewing enthusiasts.
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