Independent author Jonathan Myers went over everything with his new book The Unfinished Vol 2 The Finishing on 11/08/2017. He saw that everything was ready to go so he decided to release the new book on 11/09/2017.
Jonathan has always been the person that always finds away to get things done. When he was taken for money by Tate Publishing. He went independent because of the lack of money to publish his first book The Unfinished. He does all his own free advertising. He is always posting on his blog fb and twitter. He is always looking for people to advertise for him. Since he is just a working man with little money. He does not write and publish books to get rich he does it because it is his passion.Being an independent author Jonathan writes edits design everything and lays it out into book format. He has three people that proof reads it for him. When he gets the proof read manuscript back he proof reads himself then he edits it. After the editing he has them proof read it again. When they send it back to him he reads it and edits it again. Then they proof read the final manuscript. When he gets it back he reads it again. Then he lays it out in book format then designs everything. After that he has a physical proof made up and once he is satisfied he releases it.