They were newlyweds and expecting our first baby. The doctor said with great excitement, "You have a baby boy!" Lynda Walker was so happy. The doctor sat by her bedside. Then, everything turned up side down.
In Raising Roby, Lynda explains how doctors described their son as a mongoloid and an idiot. All of their happiness had turned into fear - not knowing what to really expect. All of the negative words gave them no hope for their son.
"This book is written from my heart for your inspiration; to say to you, yes, you can expect joy from shortcomings - you can take everything negative and turn it into the positive -expecting the worse, but accepting what we got in return," said Walker.
Lynda says the excitement of their new life changed from joy to fear and it was not knowing that was so hard.
"I wanted to share with you our life with Roby to show that we were determined to seek every opportunity we could, to have a special meaning to all that was given to us, to describe the impact on our lives and how we learned to overcome obstacles knowing that we got more from this gift we received than we gave and to share all the glory with others," Walker said.
Lynda wants to share all her fears and all the joy that made their lives richer and filled with meaning.