In "The Monogamy Mystery," Cline examines monogamy from a sociological, biological and religious perspective. The book also analyses Cline's questioning of whether monogamy is natural or unnatural for humans.
Cline states that humans weren't designed to be monogamous, it is a decisive action brought upon by societal norms.
"Cheating doesn't mean spouses love their partners any less or wish to destroy their marriages, they just often don't have a specific explanation for why they did it," Cline said. "Partners still feel guilty and understand the hurt that cheating causes, but find themselves repeating the same pattern, which lead me to deepen my understanding of if humans were meant to be monogamous or not."
Cline hopes that through a better understanding of monogamy's nature, couples will be armed with information that can help stop, correct, and guide future generations who opt for committed relationships in their ultimate pursuit of happiness.
In "The Monogamy Mystery," readers can learn about the history of monogamy and its role in our society in order to have a better understanding of infidelity's nature.
"The Monogamy Mystery"
By: John I. Cline
ISBN: 978-1-5043-9157-3 (sc); 978-1-5043-9159-7 (hc); 978-1-5043-9158-0 (e)
Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore and Amazon
About the Author
Bishop John I. Cline has acted as the senior pastor of the New Life Baptist Church in Tortola, British Virgin Islands since 1993. He was consecrated to the office of the Bishop in 2005 and inducted into the College of Bishops as a presbyter, adjudicator and an examiner. In that capacity he has set the vision for the operation of the church in the British Virgin Islands and beyond and also provides marriage counseling and life coaching to members of the church and the wider community. Immediately upon constructing the church, he spearheaded a learning centre for children, which is now the New Life Baptist Church Learning Centre and pre-school. Bishop Cline, through the New Life Baptist Church, spread his vision to reach out to Nairobi Kenya in 2003 and spearheaded the construction of a primary school in the slums of Kenya to assist children in the community to obtain an education. In 2014, the church completed the construction of the high school portion of the school. He has received numerous awards and recognition, including the Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian Award for his humanitarian efforts in the BVI and abroad. For more about the author, please visit