Beginners and long-term meditators alike will appreciate Ajayan Borys's counter-intuitive teaching that one needn't control the mind to experience the benefits of meditation. Instead, as with falling asleep, ease is essential. Effort fuels accomplishment in the world of action, but in the realm of meditation, struggle blocks success. And just as dreams are a natural part of restful sleep, thoughts during meditation are no obstacle to receiving wonderful, revitalizing results.
With clear, user-friendly instruction, Ajayan presents classic techniques that can empower even beginners to experience deep, effective meditation and can help veterans go deeper. Offering eye-opening insights about finding growth and bliss in everyday life, Effortless Mind is filled with the practical and inspirational wisdom of a consummate teacher.
Effortless Mind: Meditate with Ease
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: New World Library (February 2013)
ISBN: 9781608681549
Ajayan Borys is the founder of Effortless Mind, a uniquely effective meditation program. He has explored meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Program and studied with India's most widely revered living female saint, Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi, the "hugging saint"), living and serving as the meditation teacher at her ashram in India. He has gained wide renown as a consummate meditation teacher in North America, Australia, Europe, and India. He is also a registered hypnotherapist in Washington state, a Reiki Master, and a certified Enneagram teacher. He is author of 'The Way of Marriage: A Journal of Spiritual Growth through Conflict, Love' and 'Sex, The Sacred Fire: Love as a Spiritual Path.'