George Mason was a short, bookish man who was a friend and neighbor of athletic, broad-shouldered George Washington, says author William G. Hyland, Jr., in his new book, "George Mason: The Founding Father Who Gave Us the Bill of Rights" (ISBN: 978-1621579267; Regnery History).
Unlike Washington, Mason has been virtually forgotten by history. But this new biography of forgotten patriot George Mason makes a convincing case that Mason belongs in the pantheon of honored Founding Fathers.
Trained in the law, Mason was also a farmer, philosopher, botanist, and musician. He was one of the architects of the Declaration of Independence, an author of the Bill of Rights, and one of the strongest proponents of religious liberty in American history. In fact, both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison may have been given undue credit for George Mason's own contributions to American democracy.
William G. Hyland, Jr., a native of Virginia, received his B.A. from the University of Alabama and a J.D. from Samford University's Cumberland School of Law. A former prosecutor, Hyland is a trial lawyer with over twenty-six years of litigation experience. His publications have appeared in the law journals of the University of Texas and University of Richmond, as well as in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, including his article, "A Civil Action: Hemings v. Jefferson." Before law school, he worked with a Top Secret security clearance for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in Washington, D.C. Hyland serves on Florida's Judicial Nominating Commission and is a member of the Virginia and New York Historical Societies. He now lives and writes in Florida.
Purchase the book, "George Mason: The Founding Father Who Gave Us the Bill of Rights," via Amazon, here: