Individuals often overlook an essential element for lasting success-maintaining the energy and vitality needed complete their goals. In today's fast-paced society, staying energized throughout the day is more critical, and yet more difficult, than ever before. Companies spend significant amounts of money and resources to find solutions that will help their employees overcome the challenges of daily fatigue.
In his new book, On Target Living: Your Guide to a Life of Balance, Energy, and Vitality (Wiley; 978-1-118-43529-8; April 2013; $22.00), nationally recognized health and wellness speaker Chris Johnson, reveals that decreasing company spending while enhancing employee productivity can be as easy as taking simple steps to get adequate rest, exercise and nutrition to reach one's greatest potential.
A voice of clarity amidst the myriads of competing health advice available, Johnson offers an engaging, balanced coverage of the lifestyle choices needed to attain maximum health, energy and productivity. The solutions presented will improve employee performance, change company culture and lower health care costs. Drawing from his success training thousands of companies and individuals to live a life of balance, Johnson's On Target Living leaves readers:
Johnson enables readers to combat negative mentalities and form healthy habits to tap into their potential like never before, expanding their possibilities and attaining greater corporate and individual success.
About the Author
Chris Johnson ( is a nationally recognized wellness speaker and author and the developer of one America's most successful personal training programs. He is also the founder and CEO of On Target Living, a wellness consulting company that helps companies achieve fitness goals and increase efficiency while reducing turnaround. In addition to regularly speaking to businesses on the health and wellness strategies needed to infuse energy into their lives and increase their productivity in the office, Johnson offers health programs and one-on-one coaching. During his more than 25-year career, Johnson has earned and maintained the reputation of providing effective lifestyle modification strategies with integrity and compassion