"Margot's War" follows the tale of Nicholas Rohloffsen, who has recently lost his soul mate and wife, Gayle. Yet, it is the memory of a fleeting love named Margot Renard that haunts him, and he sets off to find out what happened to her. Nick's search for Margot brings him to an Indiana retirement home where he finds clues that resident Katherine Kendall is the woman he has been searching for.
Before he is introduced to Katherine, he reconnects with Katherine's daughter, Camille. The two reminisce on memories of the women they both care for, attempting to piece her life together. As he sets out to prove that Katherine is Margot, Nick is led down an unexpected path where he finally learns the truth about how Katherine once suffered at the mercy of the war.
"I have friends and acquaintances that have personally experienced the loss and devastation of war," Knoy said. "I felt there needed to be a story honoring that devastation and trauma. That's where I got the inspiration for the book."
Kirkus Reviews describes "Margot's War" as "…a sensitive, multilayered novel about the strength of memory and the nature of fascination. . .Knoy blends the separate strands of his plots with considerable skill, always managing to keep the balance between Nicholas' memories of the past and his intense interest in understanding the present."
"Margot's War: Not All Causalities Were on the Frontlines"
By Ty Knoy
ISBN: 9781480850934 (hardcover) 9781480850958 (softcover) 9781480850941 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Archway Publishing
About the author
Ty Knoy was raised and educated in Indiana. He subsequently spent most of his working years in Michigan with newspapers and news wire service for Advance Publications (commonly known as Condé Nast). Knoy currently lives in Fountain Hills, Arizona.
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