"Nightmare Enemy, Dream Friend" chronicles the life of a German medical student who becomes a U-boat captain during World War II. Readers will be captivated as the book begins in a POW camp in Texas where the main character, Luther Weitgucker, has been incarcerated until World War II ends. Questions are answered and drama is heightened as the book flashes back to the beginning of the war.
The author shares a different perspective on the amply documented war, reflecting on what it means to serve and do good during times of trouble, as the book portrays a man who does his best to keep his faith while waging a war he does not believe in.
"Nightmare Enemy, Dream Friend" will appeal to a variety of readers as it capitalizes on action scenes, love interests and unique viewpoints of the Nazi era, while weaving biblical quotes and Christian references into the narrative.
"Nightmare Enemy, Dream Friend"
By: Jerry Blanton
ISBN: 978-1-5320-0559-6 (sc); 978-1-5320-0561-9 (hc); 978-1-5320-0560-2 (e)
Available on iUniverse, Amazon and Barnes and Noble
About the author
Jerry Blanton has taught high school English, managed a bookstore, served as an academic dean, and worked as a copywriter, proofreader, English professor, and writer. He has written more than 20 books that include mysteries, sci-fi novels, and poetry collections. Jerry currently resides in Homestead, Florida.
Review Copies & Interview Requests:
LAVIDGE - Phoenix
Courtney Coombes
480-998-2600 x 612
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LAVIDGE - Phoenix
Maggie Driver
480-998-2600 x 584