The aim of the insightful book "A Christian Understanding of Deception: Gaining an Appreciation of How satan Uses Deception" is to reveal Satan's lies and deception strategies and in doing so empower Christians to live the Christian life that God intended.
Says author R. Douglas Wardrop, "Satan often disguises his forces to make them look like natural problems, so you'll fight them with natural weapons. But you cannot fight a spiritual foe with natural weapons but with spiritual weapons, i.e. speaking God's word to the devil and his demons.
"Unfortunately Satan can disguise himself as an 'angel of light' - so it is possible to be deceived by an innocent and apparently correct Christian teaching (see Matthew 24:4, 24:5; Mark 13:5, 13:6; and Luke 21:8). Often these inaccurate or incomplete teachings focus on God's love and blessings (thus appealing to our flesh and so lead us astray - see Mark 13:22 and 1 Timothy 4:1) and do not mention His greatness, or our need to obey Him and have a reverential fear of Him."
"This book is not only a fascinating read but offers a stunning insight into Christian theology. We are pleased to announce its release," said Robert Fletcher, CEO of Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency.
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About the Author: R. Douglas Wardrop's two other books are "A Young Person's Guide to Christianity" and "Spiritual Disciplines for Today - Getting Closer to God."
A CHRISTIAN UNDERSTANDING OF DECEPTION: GAINING AN APPRECIATION OF HOW SATAN USES DECEPTION (ISBN: 978-1-63135-745-9) is now available for $13.95 and can be ordered through the publisher's website: or at or