Johnson’s new book, “8 Minutes a Day to Make an A! Quick Change Your ADHD Child Now!” uses key elements from the StudyQuick system to help children and teens with ADHD succeed in their education. The book teaches students and parents how to compensate for the challenges of ADHD by using a system that ensures consistency and success at school and at home.
The StudyQuick method works with the parent and child to ensure that the school binder is set up and used correctly. Parents can quickly and easily monitor progress to ensure consistent, correct and immediate implementation of the child’s homework and study tasks. The student receives an immediate reward which can be redeemed, promoting achievement and motivation.
The Study Quick System ensures the child or teen develops consistency and structure. Students and parents will always know if homework is done and turned in. Students are always ready for a test and know how well they will do before the test is taken by using Quick Cards each night for five minutes with a parent. This method promotes accountability by both parties to ensure the child’s success.
Parents can also learn techniques which work immediately to stop arguing, and help their child learn and remember routines and chores which help develop more structure at home as well.
“I saw so many of my students at my learning centers, succeeding and wanted those resources to be available to children and teens with ADHD and their parents everywhere, so I decided to write a book about it,” Johnson said. “I understand what these kids and parents are going through, as I myself suffered greatly in school and had poor grades. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and at that point life made sense and I began learning as much as I could about it.”
With “8 Minutes a Day to Make an A!” children and teens with ADHD can develop a passion for learning and create a brighter future.
“8 Minutes a Day to Make an A! Quick Change Your ADHD Child Now!”
By: Pamela L. Johnson, B.S. Education
ISBN: 978-1-5462-4482-0 (sc); 978-1-5462-4480-6 (hc); 978-1-5462-4481-3 (e)
Available at the AuthorHouse Online Bookstore, Barnes and Noble and Amazon
About the Author
Pamela L. Johnson is an expert in her field, as she is a former teacher, flight attendant, and owner/operator of two learning centers in Tennessee. Johnson has a B.S. in Education and taught school the way she would like to have been taught, using multi-sensory techniques with immediate positive reinforcement. She has also given workshops for educators and parents, teaching them how to work with their ADHD child at home. For more information about the author and her book, please visit:
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