Palmetto Bay, FL
Global leadership experts Jay Abraham and Carlos Dias have co-authored a book that is now available for purchase on "The CEO Who Sees Around Corners" has been written to help company leaders learn how to make reality-based, strategic decisions in today's fast-moving world. Abraham and Dias are both seasoned entrepreneurs, executives, and consultants who have led thousands of companies across the globe to success.
Most CEO's have learned a leadership model designed for the times of linear, straight-line growth; however, today's business model is highly non-linear with stagnant growth. In order to succeed in a world where everything is not black and white, CEO's and company executives need to become more strategic so that they can "see around corners" and navigate the zig-zags of hyper-fast change.
"The CEO Who Sees Around Corners" brings to light a new, more collaborative leadership model called Interactive Management. Authors Abraham and Dias lay out this model piece by piece, providing a process for CEO's to be able to follow and update their personal leadership mindsets. This insightful, well-researched book is unique in its practicality, forgoing traditional - and all too often dry - academic case studies in favor of actionable ideas and methods. These have all been proven to be effective throughout the authors' successful careers as business turnaround artists and wealth creators.
"It's human nature to cling onto what is familiar, but it's also a form of denial," said co-author Carlos Dias. "The reality is, your existing business model and competitive strategy are already changing as you race to keep up with fast-paced change. But if you aren't taking charge and leading that change strategically, you are likely to fall into someone else's plan - and guess what they have planned for you? Not much."
"The CEO Who Sees Around Corners" is now available on (include link)
A free preview of the first chapter can be accessed at For questions or more information please contact Carlos Dias at carlos(at)carlosdias(dot)com.
About Jay Abraham
Jay Abraham is founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA, as well as co-creator of Creative Leadership for Turbulent Times. With decades of experience under his belt, he has significantly increased the bottom lines of thousands of clients spanning hundreds of industries worldwide. As an industry leader, Abraham has a distinct authority in business performance enhancement, as well as uncovering and maximizing business assets. His work has led him to be featured in publications including USA Today, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, and more.
About Carlos Dias
Carlos Dias is a former multinational CEO, successful entrepreneur, multicultural business consultant, speaker, author, coach, and mentor. He has harnessed his global leadership expertise to co-author Creative Leadership for Turbulent Times in an effort to help businesses worldwide achieve their greatest potential. Dias has trained thousands of executives to become more profitable through strategic and innovative concepts he has developed over the years.
For more information on Jay Abraham, Carlos Dias, and their comprehensive array of tools and services, please visit